Mr. Postman , look and see
if there's a letter, a letter for me!
det er det nok ikke for jeg venter ikke noe post (:
Dette blir et ganske dagbok innlegg. Fordi jeg kjeder meg å vil få tiden til å gå litt. Jeg skulle ønske jeg var trøtt men det er jeg ikke. Hvis jeg bare blir bittelitt trøtt snart så skal jeg sove. (: jeg mangler litt søvn. Satt oppe til halv 2 i går for å bli ferdig med hemoroide prosjekt >< for mange er det ikke så ille fordi de er vant til sånt. men det er ikke jeg. så siden jeg måtte opp klokka 6 ble d bare 4 og en halv times søvn -_- nå gjesper jeg også. Det er bra da blir jeg nok trøtt snart :D Jeg elsker soving, ikke bare fordi det er veldig deilig og sove. Men det er festlig å drømme. Hvertfall når det er fine drømmer ^^ også er det digg å bare ligge i senga å tenke/fantasere mmmm og stirre opp på mine uber fine plakater som er rett over puta. (:
Jeg har et fint rom. fineste rommet eveeer. vel nesten. er noen unntak her. også mangler jeg et lsk skjerf å henge på stolpen. også mangler jeg en fin telecaster til å henge på hmm skapet. også kan jeg finne et annet sted til kasse gitaren.
Gud denna bloggen blir ennå mer random enn jeg hadde planlagt. og as usual klarer jeg ikke å skrive et helt norskt innlegg. kommer inn engelske ord overalt. jeg legger ikke merke til det en gang. Jeg har spilt gitar i dag. :) masse forskjellig stuff. så ringefingertuppen min har nå rykka ned til 2. div >< så da har jeg to fingertupper i 2. div 2 i adecco og en i tippeligaen. tommelen i tippeligaen ftw! nå er det nok mange som lurer på hva jeg surrer med. Men dere får bare lure videre cos i aint gonna tell ya. Men jaa hemoroide oppgaven er ferdig i dag! skikkelig befriende asså. Da er det norsk som skal være ferdig i morra... men jeg satser på at jeg får gjort det på skolen. Ellers faail. og og jeg må bare nevnet det, Rubin Kazan, Russiske seriemestere fra fjorårets sesong spilte mot lsk, bodø/glimt og vif. LSK vant 5-2, og jeg tror både b/g og vif tapte 3-1 tror jeg. vif tapte hvetrfall 3-1! oh yeah! (: Rykker ned rykker ned rykker need!
Nå er jeg bittelitt trøtt. så da skal man sove.
güte nacht
onsdag 25. februar 2009
torsdag 19. februar 2009
2 years and 1 day
queue on the other side of the
in and saw Army of Freshmen cos
wristbands for us but some girls got
And heres a link to my youtube channel. if you want to see the video messages. they're on there (:
and Sorry for all the wrong spelling I'm a bit too tired to think while I'm writing but you probably understand it anyway. (:
fredag 6. februar 2009
I'd be shocked if I saw someone eat their own head
I've just been reading all these mcfly quotes haha god i can't believe how funny they are. They are probably even funnier when you've seen the videos they're from and such. but yeah you just gotta love these guys. specially Danny. and no he's not stupid he's just a bit slow ;P
Tom "im sorry Harry, my mum doesn't cook me trout, we don't have our own river"
tom:"we have koi carp in the moat outside my house"
harry: "we did actually"
Interviewers: If you were trapped in a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring along?
Harry: I'd bring a mirror to reflect off sun for a signal.
Tom: I'd bring these 3 guys.
Interviewers: awww..
Tom: For food!
Harry: Oh yeah? I'l just bring you and that'll be enough for the 3 of us.
'So Danny, what do you think of the monachy?' - Simon
'What's a monachy?' - Danny
Tom laughsss.
'You know, the queen and that' - Simon
'Ohhh' - Danny
What would you rather have, intelligence or good looks?
Danny: I'm happy the way I am
Tom: So you're happy being stupid and ugly?
danny: you think your playing ping pong but your singing'
Tom: This was a chickens LEG. and i just ATE it. it was walking round liek this 'mi mi mi, mi mi mi, i'm a chicken' and i just ATE it.
Danny: There in bread.
Dougie: There in bread, *laughs*
Danny: They cam out of a loaf.
Tom: Man-bags? Like a handbag?
Harry: It's like, shouldn't they be called BEEFbags or something? Ham-bags!
Dougie: You always thought it was called a Ham-bag?!
[All laugh]
Tom: He thought it was called a Ham-bag!!
Harry: What, a woman's HAND-bag?
Tom: Handbag, yeah.
Harry: I thought it was called a Ham-bag!
Danny: I even knew that!!
Dougie: Harry, you know you're TWENTY-ONE years old..
Tom: Yeah, now how many women do you know that carry ham around with them?
Dougie: “I’ve got very flat feet.
[Interviewer: What happened?]
Dougie: I was born with it . . . it didn’t just happen
danny; i remember being like, 'wow this is a brand new jacket, i've never had one before and brand new shoes and stuff.'
harry; i've never had shoes before.
Boys, you've done a lot in 2004. But are there things you want to improve in 2005?
Tom: I'm going to eat healthier, and lose a bit of weight, and exercise more, and that's it.
Dougie: Mine is to swim the Atlantic Ocean. [Solemnly] And I will do it.
Danny: I've swam in that ocean. Mine is to start looking after my little gentle body.
Tom: He meant swim the length of the ocean!
Dougie: Yeah, I didn't mean just go in it, I meant swim the whole thing.
Danny: You'll never do it, Dougie.
Dougie: Yeah, I will. I swam the length of the swimming pool.
Danny: Oh, I get it! I thought you meant the whole length, not a whole length. Cos a whole length, you can see you from the beach if you swim a length.
Tom: Danny, a length isn't a measurement, a length is however long it is from one side to the other!
Danny: Oh, is it?
Tom: See, this is what we have to put up with! He thought a length was a measurement. Like, how tall are you? I'm a length. What's your shoe size? I'm a length.
[Danny and Dougie cackle in the background.]
Danny: Oh dear. I did go to school. Honestly.
guy on NMTB: "Danny, have you ever met Will Young before?"
Danny: "I have, yes. He was in some sort of pyjamas when I met him....OH WAIT WAIT, not like that!"
What should you leave at the door to a party?
Harry: Arrogance
Tom: Any weapons
Danny: Your girlfriend
Dougie: Self-respect.
Danny: in our old house we thought we were being broken into so we locked ourselves in Dougie's room with breadknives.
Danny: "I'd be shocked if I saw someone eat their own head."
Tom "im sorry Harry, my mum doesn't cook me trout, we don't have our own river"
tom:"we have koi carp in the moat outside my house"
harry: "we did actually"
Interviewers: If you were trapped in a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring along?
Harry: I'd bring a mirror to reflect off sun for a signal.
Tom: I'd bring these 3 guys.
Interviewers: awww..
Tom: For food!
Harry: Oh yeah? I'l just bring you and that'll be enough for the 3 of us.
'So Danny, what do you think of the monachy?' - Simon
'What's a monachy?' - Danny
Tom laughsss.
'You know, the queen and that' - Simon
'Ohhh' - Danny
What would you rather have, intelligence or good looks?
Danny: I'm happy the way I am
Tom: So you're happy being stupid and ugly?
danny: you think your playing ping pong but your singing'
Tom: This was a chickens LEG. and i just ATE it. it was walking round liek this 'mi mi mi, mi mi mi, i'm a chicken' and i just ATE it.
Danny: There in bread.
Dougie: There in bread, *laughs*
Danny: They cam out of a loaf.
Tom: Man-bags? Like a handbag?
Harry: It's like, shouldn't they be called BEEFbags or something? Ham-bags!
Dougie: You always thought it was called a Ham-bag?!
[All laugh]
Tom: He thought it was called a Ham-bag!!
Harry: What, a woman's HAND-bag?
Tom: Handbag, yeah.
Harry: I thought it was called a Ham-bag!
Danny: I even knew that!!
Dougie: Harry, you know you're TWENTY-ONE years old..
Tom: Yeah, now how many women do you know that carry ham around with them?
Dougie: “I’ve got very flat feet.
[Interviewer: What happened?]
Dougie: I was born with it . . . it didn’t just happen
danny; i remember being like, 'wow this is a brand new jacket, i've never had one before and brand new shoes and stuff.'
harry; i've never had shoes before.
Boys, you've done a lot in 2004. But are there things you want to improve in 2005?
Tom: I'm going to eat healthier, and lose a bit of weight, and exercise more, and that's it.
Dougie: Mine is to swim the Atlantic Ocean. [Solemnly] And I will do it.
Danny: I've swam in that ocean. Mine is to start looking after my little gentle body.
Tom: He meant swim the length of the ocean!
Dougie: Yeah, I didn't mean just go in it, I meant swim the whole thing.
Danny: You'll never do it, Dougie.
Dougie: Yeah, I will. I swam the length of the swimming pool.
Danny: Oh, I get it! I thought you meant the whole length, not a whole length. Cos a whole length, you can see you from the beach if you swim a length.
Tom: Danny, a length isn't a measurement, a length is however long it is from one side to the other!
Danny: Oh, is it?
Tom: See, this is what we have to put up with! He thought a length was a measurement. Like, how tall are you? I'm a length. What's your shoe size? I'm a length.
[Danny and Dougie cackle in the background.]
Danny: Oh dear. I did go to school. Honestly.
guy on NMTB: "Danny, have you ever met Will Young before?"
Danny: "I have, yes. He was in some sort of pyjamas when I met him....OH WAIT WAIT, not like that!"
What should you leave at the door to a party?
Harry: Arrogance
Tom: Any weapons
Danny: Your girlfriend
Dougie: Self-respect.
Danny: in our old house we thought we were being broken into so we locked ourselves in Dougie's room with breadknives.
Danny: "I'd be shocked if I saw someone eat their own head."
torsdag 5. februar 2009
mandag 2. februar 2009
Walk like a man
Random title lol Was just listening to that song xP
very well, I'm going to start this post with some sad news. Very very sad news for me atleast
Kevin Nolan has gone to newcastle :( seriously I have to find yet another new favourite player now! This is just getting stupid! Lets look back the 2007 season shall we
LSK fave players: Rambekk, Strand, Wehrman
Bolton fave players: Campo, Helguson, Nolan
In the summer of 2007 Wehrman went to ffk. I found a new fave player in Shane Steffanuto. Then the 2007 season ended and I knew Rambekk was leaving for Odd, but then suddenly Setffanuto left too, and Strand got degrated to LSK's junior squad or something, I hate Tom Nordlie for that! And then he left for Hamkam instead. Totatly understandable ofcourse. So yeah 2008 season started and I had to find myself 3 new favourite players. those three became Myklebust, Brenne and Søgård. Then when the English 2007/2008 season ended in the spring 2008 Ivan Campo didn't get a new contract at Bolton and had to leave. So I had to look for another favourite player again, it wasn't that hard though because I thought Kevin Davies was pretty good, so yeah he was my new fave then. And so the 2008 season goes on a miserable season btw. And it ends with Brenne leaving for Odd. I was well gutted! Then the january transfer window over in England opened. Then Helguson left for QPR and now Last week Nolan left for Newcastle :(
so the fave players atm is
LSK: Myklebust, Søgård, Fredrikson
Bolon: Davies, Taylor
I need to watch a couple of Bolton matches before I can find a new good replacement for Nolan. And it's the first time I've got a goalkeeper as a fave player aswell. well enough about football
well okay not. me and some of me mates attended LSK - Odd on friday. Just a friendly match (: And LSK won. yay after that we went to thomas place and it was pretty boring at the beginning lol But then I suggested that we could play Rock band. that was fuun! even though we didn't get to play that much. Well and after that we went out to Martin's and Adrianna and Mia went in first. and the called Trine saying that Mykelbust was inside hahahaha And me and Trine had a major teen spazz! Seriously hahaha poor people who had to witness that! Well he was inside though, we saw him. I was near him actually haha on my way down the stairs. oh yeah. Well it was good fun though, i even danced haha.
aand I'm proud of myself now because I've learned some new stuff about music. I don't really know what I've actually learned but well suddenly all the A's and G#/Ab's and so on suddenly made a lot more sense. go me! and the reason I'm proud isn't because i just learned it. I mean I could've learned that by asking some music dude. Buut I learned it all by myself I sat here just playing guitar as i usually do and then suddenly it hit me! and another thing that's hit me is how incredibly awesome The Beatles and Queen were! I can't understand why I've always thought they were just overrated. Because they are not! I'm downloading all their songs right this moment. Don't think I'll get them all today though. I can't believe why I haven't noticed how amazing they are before now. It may have something to do with so many McFly fans "liking" them so so so much just because of McFly. But screw them. I've been much more open minded lately, specially when it comes to music. My music taste is much wider now than it was before, I don't really like much of the songs thats "in" now though but I like some of it. (:
This blog is really random, well most of my posts on here are random. I start out thinking okay I'm going to blog about footballplayers and then try and say something interesting aswell so peeps have something to read but then I just start rambling on about everything.
anyways whats gwaning peeps?
Yow alright am ya?
I'm gannin' now
see yah!
very well, I'm going to start this post with some sad news. Very very sad news for me atleast
Kevin Nolan has gone to newcastle :( seriously I have to find yet another new favourite player now! This is just getting stupid! Lets look back the 2007 season shall we
LSK fave players: Rambekk, Strand, Wehrman
Bolton fave players: Campo, Helguson, Nolan
In the summer of 2007 Wehrman went to ffk. I found a new fave player in Shane Steffanuto. Then the 2007 season ended and I knew Rambekk was leaving for Odd, but then suddenly Setffanuto left too, and Strand got degrated to LSK's junior squad or something, I hate Tom Nordlie for that! And then he left for Hamkam instead. Totatly understandable ofcourse. So yeah 2008 season started and I had to find myself 3 new favourite players. those three became Myklebust, Brenne and Søgård. Then when the English 2007/2008 season ended in the spring 2008 Ivan Campo didn't get a new contract at Bolton and had to leave. So I had to look for another favourite player again, it wasn't that hard though because I thought Kevin Davies was pretty good, so yeah he was my new fave then. And so the 2008 season goes on a miserable season btw. And it ends with Brenne leaving for Odd. I was well gutted! Then the january transfer window over in England opened. Then Helguson left for QPR and now Last week Nolan left for Newcastle :(
so the fave players atm is
LSK: Myklebust, Søgård, Fredrikson
Bolon: Davies, Taylor
I need to watch a couple of Bolton matches before I can find a new good replacement for Nolan. And it's the first time I've got a goalkeeper as a fave player aswell. well enough about football
well okay not. me and some of me mates attended LSK - Odd on friday. Just a friendly match (: And LSK won. yay after that we went to thomas place and it was pretty boring at the beginning lol But then I suggested that we could play Rock band. that was fuun! even though we didn't get to play that much. Well and after that we went out to Martin's and Adrianna and Mia went in first. and the called Trine saying that Mykelbust was inside hahahaha And me and Trine had a major teen spazz! Seriously hahaha poor people who had to witness that! Well he was inside though, we saw him. I was near him actually haha on my way down the stairs. oh yeah. Well it was good fun though, i even danced haha.
aand I'm proud of myself now because I've learned some new stuff about music. I don't really know what I've actually learned but well suddenly all the A's and G#/Ab's and so on suddenly made a lot more sense. go me! and the reason I'm proud isn't because i just learned it. I mean I could've learned that by asking some music dude. Buut I learned it all by myself I sat here just playing guitar as i usually do and then suddenly it hit me! and another thing that's hit me is how incredibly awesome The Beatles and Queen were! I can't understand why I've always thought they were just overrated. Because they are not! I'm downloading all their songs right this moment. Don't think I'll get them all today though. I can't believe why I haven't noticed how amazing they are before now. It may have something to do with so many McFly fans "liking" them so so so much just because of McFly. But screw them. I've been much more open minded lately, specially when it comes to music. My music taste is much wider now than it was before, I don't really like much of the songs thats "in" now though but I like some of it. (:
This blog is really random, well most of my posts on here are random. I start out thinking okay I'm going to blog about footballplayers and then try and say something interesting aswell so peeps have something to read but then I just start rambling on about everything.
anyways whats gwaning peeps?
Yow alright am ya?
I'm gannin' now
see yah!
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