lørdag 28. mars 2009

down with the sickness

Helloooo, how are you all?? feeling good? :) I was walking behind a blind man the other day, with this dog. what do you call them, blind dogs?? anyway I'm really fascinated by those dogs. And was going to blog about it, but my head hurts so badly so I can't really think. seriously i was watching the weakest link earlier and was guessing the answers. as you do.. and she asked something that I knew the answer and that was Diameter. But what i said out loud was stadium. wtf? haha. so yeah, that's what fever do to me. But anyhow I'll post a blog about blind dogs later. Maybe I should figure out if that's what they're called aswell.. buuut check out this link http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm seriously, look at the 3d illusion stuff, that is just whats the word i can use? I know (I) Fricklemazingradilucious-Skatdiddleyo-rumplestiltskin-kinklepoop! yes that is a word!

peace out!

søndag 22. mars 2009

LSK - Viking

okei, jeg kom akkurat hjem fra kamp, fy faen ass. vi fortjente å vinne! gaaah. vi var det klart beste laget gjennom 1. omgang og vi var best i 2. og. det synes hvertfall jeg! Men etter viking fikk det helvetes målet sitt så ble lsk altfor stressa, feilpasning på feilpasning. baah. Men det som irriterte meg mest var de schtøgge "mannfolka" som sto nedafor oss. Seriøst er det mulig å klage mer?!?!? Hver gang viking fikk tak i ballen var det klaging over hvor dååårlige lsk var. fy faen. Alt de gjorde var å klage, vi fikk kjempesjanser vi bomma. så klart er det vanlig å skrike neeei elr et og annet banneord. Men så klapper man etterpå fordi jo det var jo en braa sjanse! fotball handler ikke bare om mål det handler også om å komme til sjanser. Men neida ikke for dem ass, da gikk kjeften i mange minutter etterpå. og de steller seg i kanariFANSEN vakke mye supportere de der ass. sutring og klaging og i pausen kunne de ikke sette seg ned fordi det var jo møkkete. Buhuhuhu. Så kommer 2. omgang. her gikk kjeften i ett, og det var ikke pga synging for å si det sånn, og da viking fikk frispark sier han ene, ja nå blir det mål til viking. Hvem sier sånn?!? og hva skjer? joodaaa. Mål til Viking! jeg kunn sparka ned han der ass, hadde det ikke hvert for at jeg ikke ville ta sjansen for å bli utestengt resten av sesongen. Nei ass de irriterte meg no jævlig. og som jeg sa i begynnelsen av kampen. De der kommer garantert til å gå før kampen er ferdig hvis vi ikke leder ass. og hva skjedde, jo da med"supportene" stakk av de. Veldig deilig, jeg ble glad :D Slapp å høre på mase dems i ett sett. Jeg skjønner ikke hva de gjorde på kanarifeltet i det hele tatt. Ikke sang de, ikke klappa de, de var ikke med på noe som helst, alt de gjorde var å klage. gaaaah! >< jeg blamer DEM fullt og helt for at det bare ble ett poeng! Nå skal jeg slutte å tenke på de. Mannfolk my ass! største pysene jeg har sett!

fredag 20. mars 2009


I joined twitter a couple of days ago but I thought meh, what's the point really? But now I'm bored so I thought I'd sign in to twitter again. And then I thought hmm I'll look for some celebs, and I ended up following 12 so far. haha It is addicitve! I'm like oh thats him and thats her, follow, follow, follow! oOo so that's what he did yesterday, cool. Simple enternainment, yes? Well the celebs I've added are mostly b-celebs or whatever you call it. and I added Jonathan Ross, just because I remember McFly and Busted were on his show once.. but well he is following me back! haha. That's a bit fun me thinks. Now I'm off to find some more celebs to stalk. :D oh and btw, if someone wants to stalk me: http://twitter.com/Liiinn

torsdag 19. mars 2009

The worst is over and the sky is clear

And there's not a place on earth I'd rather be than here

Hello good people! I managed to make this blog a bit happier ey? So yeah a positive cheerful happy blog post was what i was suppoed so post wasn't it? Well I'm trying! :) I'm happy :D you know what I managed to do earlier? I was drinking juice or whatever you call it in english. And as I was putting the glass down I managed to get some in my eye! haha even though i wear glasses and the glass was more than half empty! now that's impressive isn't it?

But on the horizon
As the morning breaks
I can see a brand new day that's full of new mistakes

So yes, what have you done today? I have been sitting here since I got home from school, just surfing the internet, chatting to people you know.. the usual stuff. And I also made my header. yuppyupp. And now I'm listening to McFly, as usual. Seriously even though you might hate them you can't honestly say that they're songs really easily cheers you up! They are so happy and summery and carefree. Well most of them, most of the early stuff, they sing about being dumped but the melodies are so happy so it cheers you up. haha

They tell me that only the strong survive
I don't know if we'll make it through the night
I guess I'll see you in the after light
They tell me that only the strong survive

So you've probably noticed the lyrics I'm putting in between what I'm writing yes? It's lyrics from the song Only The Strong Survive, by, yupp you guessed right, McFly :) today it's 36 days until me myself and I + Tonje and Maddie are leaving for Scotland! EEEK :D It's gonna be so fucking awesome! 37 days until we're seeing McFly :D It's my 5th time now! :O omg. haha. :D Maddie's 2nd time and Tonje's first time. It's up close and personal tour. So that means we're going to be not too far awaaay hahaha. Maybe if all of us have great karma and is very lucky we'll bump in to them! Now that would've been fantastic!

Gotta keep on running
Stay on the attack
'Cause the day you quit's the day you wish you had it back

But meanwhile the easter holiday is right around the corner and I'm going to my cabin. Hopefully I can bring a friend. I just gotta find someone who wants to come with me... I'll figure that out later, when I know for sure that I can take someone with me. It's going to be fun, loads of snow :D

They tell me that only the strong survive
I don't know if we'll make it through the night
I guess I'll see you in the after light
They tell me that only the strong survive

The closest thing to look forward to though is the weekend. I don't have any plans for tomorrow or saturday. Well maybe tomorrow, if Trine feels well enough, I hope so. But I have a plan B aswell, and that will probably going to take up the whole saturday until 8 pm then it's tv time. okay wanna hear what I'm going to do?? It's nothing interesting really. haha I'm just going to learn how to play falling in love on keyboard, out of how I know it on guitar, if that made any sense. I'm looking forward to the solo the most. hihi :D I have to try figure out most of it by ear. Because that's harder, I need to challenge myself a bit lol. Falling in love is an awesome song. It would be amazing if I could sing because then I could have sung and played and posted it here, but unfortunately I sound like shit! shame. ;P

If we're gonna die tomorow at least we can say life has been alright
It's been alright
We can beg or we can borrow but in the end everything is alright
Everything is alright

What to write what to write.... On sunday LSK are playing against Viking :D First home match of the season, it's said to be over 10000 people attending which is good! Gonna be a great atmosphere and we're going to crush viking on the pitch and chantwise. I know that's not officially a word, but it is now because I used it. It's gonna be a great match! And I'm going to meet Mia and Trine again, and Tonje ofcourse but I see her everyday so haha:P And Merete is maybe coming down aswell! I hope she does ^^ I love football.

Every time we get up we'll be destined to fall
And I'm asking myself is it worth this at all
Every corner we turn we just run into walls
Because loving you feels like a kick in the balls

Now I don't really have anything more to say other than: What do you think of my new layout??(: And yes I have a habit of using atleast two question mark btw. Now I'm heading of the bed to hopefully dream something nice that I will remember in the morning ^^

They tell me that only the strong survive
I don't know if we'll make it through the night
I guess I'll see you in the after light
They tell me that only the strong survive

onsdag 18. mars 2009

And I, I get on the train on my own, and my tired radio keeps playing tired songs...

I'm feeling awful today, my head hurts like hell, and yes i know sitting by the computer won't make it better but I'm tired of just lying in bed trying to sleep. and I also feel extremely lonely for some reason, and really sad and tired. And I have no idea why. Nothing special has happened or anything. I'm usually a happy person, even though it might not seem like it if you read all my emo blog posts on here. But it's just much easier to blog about things that bothers me then writing about everything that doesn't. I feel like I'm complaining way to much. Next time I'll post something it's gonna be about something cheerful and nice. I promise. Maybe i should change my layout as well because it's pretty dull and dark and pretty sad really.. I need some colours! spring is on it's way and all, the football season has started, I've got lots of great friends, I'm going to see McFly in just over a month, easter holiday in a two weeks time. I should be thrilled and happy. But I'm not, maybe I'm just having a bad day. and maybe i feel lonely because I haven't really talked much today, and the only person I've been around is my mom. I probably seem like a shy girl that prefers to quite and be alone to most people, but I'm really quite opposite. While others love sitting in alone watching a movie I prefer watching a movie with someone. It's always much more fun to do something as long as your with someone. Just sitting on the ground staring at the sky is much better when you're not alone. But well i don't care how you people think I am. To judge someone before you know them properly is just lame! My friends know how I am and they know I'm a person who loves to be around people and loves to have a laugh, I'm also Maddie's personal laughing machine, so according to her I'm also really funny. boyah! Buut when I'm around a bunch of people I don't know very well or don't know at all I get shy. irritating I tell you! I'm like schizophrenic or something. If I could have it my way I would meet and get to know one person at the time. And when I know that person well enough I could start getting to know a new one lol. I'm weird I know, I blame all the bullies for making become like this. that was a weird sentence i think... oh well. So if anyone wondered if I'm always quiet and boring then no(: I can be very loud... just stand with me on a football match and you'll see, I mean hear. I am lying a bit actually, if I meet a new person I'm shy even though it's just one guy/girl. But if it's just like the two of us then you just have to talk, so it won't get awkward. so yeah that's the easiest way for me to get to know people, be with them alone and have to force myself to talk. haha what a freak I am! oh well I'm feeling abit better now actually, I've been laughing a bit to myself because of my own shyness. and you want to know something embarrassing?!? I have a poster of the pussycat dolls on my wall! I can't get rid of it because then I have to remove 7 small cutouts i have from mags and two posters... well I caan get rid of it but I can't be arsed. I hope to get a new a4 sized mcfly poster so i can put that up on top of it.
Now I got to get working on my new more cheerful layout! I'll come back with a happy post next time.
Cos I'm not alooonee, nonononoooo
I'm not aloooone

torsdag 12. mars 2009

Happy birthday

Today is Danny Jones' birthday, he is now 23 years old! seriously the time flies. I don't really know what to say though other than wishing him a happy birthday and I hope he enjoys it down in aus. They'll probably go out and get wasted, I hope it will pop up some private pictures on the intertnet soon (A) I'll throw in some pictures now yes?

From boy to grown man, well not really. From young boy to a tad older one ;)

tirsdag 10. mars 2009

Just because I'm nerdy, and my friends are thirty

It doesn't mean that I swing that way!

jeg bestemte meg akkurat nå for å starte alle mine innlegg med en sang tittel/tekst, helt til de 10 innleggene som vises på bloggen min starter med en sangtittel/tekst. eeerm Why? :S
Fordi! jeg pleier som regel å starte med sangtekst tittel rett som det er uansett. mest pga jeg ikke vet hva jeg skal ta som tittel og bare tar noe fra sangen jeg hører på. der og da. Så var det å finne noe å blogge om daa. det skjer liksom ikke så mye for tia. Meeen jeg var i bursdag i helga da. Hos Trine! det var hilarious! haha. Fikk wok å ete først, å jeg som er så kresen spiste bare kylling og ris (A) men det var kjempe godt^^ Mia var kjempemorsom as always haha, og jeg fikk til og med høre på McFly noen ganger :D musikal lekte jeg og! popular you're gonna be populaaaar. litt krangling mellom meg og Trine om hvem som skulle være hvem for begge ville være Galinda, men jeg vant sier vi. haha å jeg og Trine hadde en deeel blåmerker. Det ene trine sitt var helt rundt hihi. Sånn går det når man kaster seg ned på gølvet for å komme først fram til musikken... jeg klarte til og med å få brannsår gjennom strømpebuksa! jeg er fliink. Så på søndagen så var det kamp. LSK-elfsborg som vi så på på macen til Trine. Det var en skuffende kamp må jeg si, vi tapte 1-0 menmen kan ikke vinne hver gang heller. Jeg og Tonje ble hos Trine helt til 7-8 tiden på kvelden. haha og som vi sleit med å komme oss ut, med bilen altså Der var det trangt. vi rygga rett inn i snøfonda på andre sia av veien hihi. Men Tonje er flink så vi kom oss need og trygt hjeeem. festlig helg.

hva mer er det å si? joo jeg har pugga til naturfag prøve! eller pugga og pugga, jeg har svart på alle spørsmåla bakerst i bokaaa. og Trine har hjulpet meeg:D får jeg bra på denne prøven er det pga hjelpen fra henne asså :D Failer jeg så skal jeg aldri gidde å pugge igjen. Enkelt og greit. også over til LSK igjeen. de har fått seg en ny spiller på lån nåå
Håvard Nordtveit, kommi fra Arsenal. Vi satser på at han er no tess. cos i don't really knoow. Menmen i morra er det kick off. fun! (:

seriøst jeg er så trøtt for tia!! i dag sovna jeg på sofaen våkna 5 over 8. var på stasjon 8:20 og toget gikk 8:21. gees orker ikke det igjen ass. Jeg pleier aldri å være såå trøtt jeeg-_- har lagt meg halv 11 to dager på rad og aalt. men må vel legge meg med en gang jeg kommer hjem fra skolen for at jeg skal bli utvilt. gud nå gjespa jeg to ganger på rad og. på tide å sove?

onsdag 4. mars 2009

shake, shake, Shake, shake, shake it

ugh i hate that soong. but it's stuck on me brain!

nå skal jeg snakke norsk.

Jeg skal nå offisielt til Skotland! :D
McFly billetter: check.
Fly: check.


Det er herlig å ha det i orden! Jeg gleder skikkelig. jeg skal se McFy igjeeen<3 å jeg skal til Skotlaand:D Hvor jeg aaaldri har hvert før! hihi Også er det bare 10 dager igjen til serieåpning mot Stabæk! yaay
det blir gøy! og nå er det bare torsdag også fredag også Lørdag skal jeg i bursdag til Trine :D Det blir fuun, jeg lurer på hva hu ønsker seg. hmm. Håper hun kommer på noe. Dette ble en ny liten random blogg.
Katten min spiste en flue i sta, så da ble vi kvitt den x)

og haha jeg leste litt på rb her:


om ei dame som fikk lommeboka frastjålt av to andre kvinner. meen det morsomme haha dattera har liksom uttalt seg på moren sine vegne da:

– Mamma syntes kvinnene var skremmende. De hadde ikke tenner, men mamma var snill og forklarte dem veien.

hahahahaha jeg ler.

og mens jeg driver å ler haha så må jeg le litt til xP Madde kom i går på en medling jeg fikk for leenge siden. jeg fikk nemmelig en sms fra Gud! ja riktig Gud the allmighthy... gjett hva han sa?
jo nemmelig:
Gratulerer! Du har vunnet en enveisbillett til helvete!

takk for den liksom. itt Random da. plutselig få melding av Gud liksom, og ja det sto gud, ikke noe nummer, bare Gud. menmen gud loves me really. ^^

Sånn Madde, nå oppdaterte jeg, read away ;) <3