lørdag 28. mars 2009

down with the sickness

Helloooo, how are you all?? feeling good? :) I was walking behind a blind man the other day, with this dog. what do you call them, blind dogs?? anyway I'm really fascinated by those dogs. And was going to blog about it, but my head hurts so badly so I can't really think. seriously i was watching the weakest link earlier and was guessing the answers. as you do.. and she asked something that I knew the answer and that was Diameter. But what i said out loud was stadium. wtf? haha. so yeah, that's what fever do to me. But anyhow I'll post a blog about blind dogs later. Maybe I should figure out if that's what they're called aswell.. buuut check out this link http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm seriously, look at the 3d illusion stuff, that is just whats the word i can use? I know (I) Fricklemazingradilucious-Skatdiddleyo-rumplestiltskin-kinklepoop! yes that is a word!

peace out!

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