fredag 28. oktober 2011

Happy Halloween!

yes Halloween have arrived. I don't usually make a big deal out of it, but this year we celebrated it at school. with this horror tunnel thing. and then a party afterwards, and then we even went out after that. yes.. It was fun! There was a couple who went as Amy pond and The Doctor! That is sooo awesome. Cos Doctor Who isn't exactly popular over here. There was loads of other creepy people there aswell. fun fun fun fun. And then there was me and Line:
Line was a zombie as you can see. she had some really awesome cuts and wounds. cool stuff. and ofcourse loads of blood. Which tasted like mint by the way! Then there's me "halloween is so far away i dunno what I want to be, shit it's tomorrow, eek what can I come as? I'll just be a vampire, that'll do!" so yeah.. oh and yes I've been bored and photoshop was already running so x) Anyway, anyone else dressing up for halloween? what are you going as? Enjoy the weekend while it lasts people!

torsdag 13. oktober 2011

The Struts!

The Struts is a really awesome band from England. and you should totally check them out! I saw them live in the summer, and they are great, and not like everything else out there. Check out these videos! come on!! I know you want too :)

Loads more videos on youtube so have a look! you won't be disappointed, I promise :)

onsdag 12. oktober 2011


over a month since last time I blogged! Time flies. and more votes on english than norwegian. so hello english speaking people. If I have any readers left at all haha. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive. Just been really busy! School everyday and then work. And I've finally started working out again! *proud* Just gotta stick to it this time! :P and unfortnutaly theres only 7 days a week so all this leaves me with not much time for blogging. But I'll try to be a bit better. promise. Maybe I'll start getting some comments again aswell?  We could start now. Halloween is coming up and I've got nooo idea what to wear. Any suggestions?? :)