mandag 29. juni 2009

The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with -Bruce Springsteen

What a wise saying eh? I don't know if it means something to you, but it really does to me! (:

Soo.. Here I am sitting in my bed with a fan literally right in my face, windows wide open but I'm still boiling! ugh! I probably sound like I hate the summer but I don't it's just a bit too warm and like no wind or anything, am practically melting away! And I'm drinking so much that I don't even get hungry and that sucks because I want to get hungry and eat good food. but anyhow that's not what this entry was supposed to be about. See today Bruce Springsteen had a gig in
Hyde park in London and Danny Jones was to no McFly fan's surprise going to watch him! so were his fellow bandmember Tom Fletcher and his girlfriend Giovanna. I have no idea about the rest of the band cos they haven't written anything about it on twitter ;) Well anyways I was so Jealous at them, because I'm a big fan of Bruce Springsteen myself and haven't had the chance to see him yet due to, well different things. Well I have seen him walking out of a hotel here in Norway but you know, I have never seen him preforming live! But ofcourse I was really happy for them aswell. Lucky people I thought getting to go to his gig. Then I kinda forgot about it for awhile until I checked Twitter a little while ago where Tom had tweeted: Tommcfly Wow, got to stand on the side of the stage to watch Bruce Springsteen...AMAZING! How amazing is that??? seeing Bruce Springsteen from the side of the stage! ofcourse I got even more jealous now but ofcourse also even more happy for them! and then Danny posts this tweet

Seriously when I read that, I felt that it was me that just happened too! haha I got soo happy on his behalf! I couldn't stop smiling! I'm actually sitting here smiling right now :D :D :D :D how awesome it that?? He met THE BOSS his biggest idol! I'd die if I was him right now! And not only did he meet the boss! He met Bon Jovi aswell! That's like 2 of my favourites at once! I'm sooo jealous right now! but so happy at the same time! :D and I can't even imagine how he must feel right now! Bruce Springsteen! geese! :D It's so weird I've never been so glad for someone I don't even know before haha. But then again Danny is my idol, even though I don't know him in person I feel like a know him still. It probably sound dead weird but through all the clips I've seen of him and McFly through the years everything from music videos, to interviews, children programmes, backstage stuff, fans meeting them and so on. I feel like I know as much about him as I would with any other friend, not like bestfriend you know but like a classmate or whatever. okey erm yes. enough about that. aaanyway I think it's a bit unfair though, like if you get famous in a band or as an actress or whatever you suddenly have the chance to do everything! I so want to get famous one day! well actually no. But I really really want to play guitar for a living, be in someones favourite band, make amazing music and make people happy, just as my idols and the bands/artists I listen to makes me happy! And also make music that can help people get through tough situations. It must be such a good feeling knowing that by writing and making that song you've helped a heartbroken 19 year old get over her ex boyfriend or whatever. I want to help people! I'd donate loads of money to different causes! This is starting to sound like a miss world speech right now. haha oh well I also want to get the chance to meet my idols, and other inspiring people, travel around see new places, play loads and loads of live shows! And basically just have an amazing time doing what I love with friends that I love! Ahnd if I have to get famous to get to do this then so be it! I could always be the famous guitarist who never took her mask of. So that no one really knew who I was. hmm. haha. oh screw this! MCFLY! I WANT TO LIVE A LIFE LIKE YOU!!! short summary of everythig I've written. haha. I'm getting overtired now if that's a word, I don't know. I have to wake up early to go to my cabin tomorrow! one week of torture here I come! >< and yes it's torture! A cabin with absolutely nothing to do except watch TV and we only have nrk1! and theres no electricity! we have to get our water from a well 100 meters away! and theres no toilet inside either. aaand my annoying little sister and I have to share a room! Only positive thing is a book I've bought, "The time travelers wife" Hope I don't finish it too fast! Hopefully will be home in one piece. night night

torsdag 25. juni 2009

Project = failed

yeeees I failed my project, becaaause I'm lazy and it's seriously way to warm to play guitar! I tried and I nearly melted away! Buuut i did learn I've got you, Nothing, Ultraviolet, Too close for comfort, That Girl and nearly Obviously though so I did do something! but this was on monday though. Tuesday I spent the day at Trine's place! we watched Twilight and the number 23! :) A fun daay (: then yesterday I was supposed to watch the mito dvd and learn new songs but neeh I watched Holiday in the sun instead! and noow I'm going to watch "the Lizzie Mcguire movie" I think it's called in english. It brings back memorieees ^^ I remember when I was younger I used to come home from school to watch Lizzie Mcguire black hole high aaand so little time! man I miss those days! haha and it's an advert on the lizzie mcguire movie now about Pirates of the Caribbean the curse of the black pearl. I love that film, maybe I'll watch it afterwards :D well the movie starts noow! so off I go!

ooh and btw me and Rikke is going to Liverpool!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

mandag 22. juni 2009

My little project!

Right now i decided to start a little project. The summer holiday has started and I've got loads of days with NOTHING to do, and since I'm not that found of the sitting out relaxing in the sun stuff I've decided right now that the first three days with nothing to do, that is today, Wednesday and probably friday I'm going to wake up watch hollyoaks, theen watch a McFly dvd, theen just sit here and do nothing, theen eat dinner and then go upstairs to my room and learn all the songs from the McFly dvd's on guitar!

So day 1. that is today I'm watching the wonderland dvd so my mission for today is to learn the following songs: I've got you, Nothing, Obviously, Ultraviolet, Too close for comfort, That Girl, Silence is a scary sound, She falls asleep, Unsaid things, The ballad of paul K, Don't know why, 5 colours in her hair, Pinball wizard, room on the third floor, memory lane, all about you, I'll be okay and I wanna hold you!

I don't think I'll manage to learn everyone.. buut only time will tell! :D haha wish me luck! oh and btw when I'm saying I'm going to learn them I mean learn them by heart! :) Not learn how to play them fast while reading the chords/tabs ;p

søndag 21. juni 2009


okeey blogg på norsk! :D veldig meningsløst men jeg gjør dette nå fordi jeg ikke har noe annet å gjøre og jeg vil ikke bare sitte her fordi da begynner jeg å tenke og jeg vil ikke tenke fordi det gjør vondt å tenke fordi jeg bare tenker på triste ting!

så ja tittelen er music fordi jeg tenkte jeg skulle ramse opp alle bandene/artistene jeg har sett live, vil se live igjen eller jeg ikke har sett men vil se! så med mindre du er uhyre interesert i det så er det likeså greit å stoppe å lese nu! :)

oog har noen noen ideer til band jeg burde se let me know! :D

band/artister jeg har sett live siden 2007:
Pale kids
Flying Crap
Billy Talent
My Chemical Romance
Army of Freshmen
Bowling for Soup
Son of Dork
Elliot Minor
Bon Jovi
The hoosiers
Pigeon detectives
The feeling
One Night Only
Scouting for girls
Sam Sparro
The zutons
David Archuletta
Alexander Rybak
Metro Station
Karpe Diem
White Lies
Jahn Teigen og Anita Skorgan
Lene Marlin
Tone Damli Aaberge
Åge Sten Nilsen

Band/artister jeg veldig gjerne vil se igjen:
Billy Talent
Bowling for soup
Son of Dork
Bon Jovi
White Lies

Band/artister jeg ikke har sett men vil seee:
All time low
Avril Lavigne
Bruce Springsteen
Bullet for my valentine
Green Day
Jimmy Eat World
Lamb of God
New found glory
Simple plan
Three days grace

jeg har sikkert glemt en del men tror jeg fikk med mesteparten! ^^

onsdag 10. juni 2009

Falling into history

jeg har da kommet opp i historie eksamen!!!! ugh! why liksom. det er så typisk min uflaks!! jaja ikke no å gjøre med det nå. Får jeg 4,5,6 vanker det penge belønning fra mamma, men med mine kunnskaper håper jeg heller på å i det hele tatt stå. Jeg har lest og lest men det går rett ut av hue før det i det hele tatt går inn! >< Jeg har lest om jakt og sankesamfunn, hva husker jeg? joda at de fant mat i naturen og jakta på dyr og de delte med hverandre slik at de kunne bli delt med når andre fant mat. that's it. Så gikk de over til jordbruket, hva veit jeg om det? jo at de nå temte husdyra i stede for å jakte på de. Nå sådde de og dyrket mat i stede for å bare benytte seg av det som allerede fantes... det er alt jeg veit om det. så ja skjønner tegninga?? detta kommer til å gå straight to hell! jeg skal liksom prate i 30 minutter! detta jeg kan er bare nok til et par sekunder. med mindre jeg prater veeeldig sakte, da har jeg kanskje nok til ett helt minutt! og jeg ORKER ikke mer lesing i dag. hvertfall ikke før i kveld. nå skal jeg slappe aav!! også er det håndballkamp også fotballkamp! men Trine har visst tydeligvis andre planer. hun skal visst grille meg. Så på gjensyn! hvis jeg overlever...

lørdag 6. juni 2009

Woop Woop, jeg skriver på norsk!

Det begynner å bli en stund siden jeg har blogga på norsk nåå tror jeg. Det føles hvertfall sliik
Jeg har ikke så mye og si nå egentlig, jeg har vel aldri noe å si. og jeg føler egentlig jeg starter hvert eneste innlegg med å fortelle om at jeg ikke har noe og si. haha. jajaaa.

Jeg var i Oslo i sta! Jeg og Trine gikk ruuundt og ruuundt og ruuuundt og leita etter Gina Tricot for vi klarte ikke å huske hvor det var. Trine skulle nemmelig ha seg en kjoole. Men det fant vi så klart ikke deeer. så all den letinga forgjeves!!! haha menmen Etterpå handla Trine litt meer, kjøpte gaver oog (: Jeg skulle egentlig kjøpe en bukse. meen jeg fant aldri noen. jeg HATER å leite etter bukser. ugh! satser på å finne en i H&M katalogen eller noe jeg ass. Vi spiste også på peppes. holdt på å sprekke da vi var ferdige ass! Eller ferdige og ferdige, jeg orka ikke alt men. Men vi hadde det veldig morro as always. og uff da vi skulle hjem trodde jeg det skulle gå greit å ta 16:05 toget... men det gjorde visst ikke det. Trine rakk ikke toget videre til Sørumsand pga meg! :( Men heeldigvis fikk hun etterhvert sitti på med noen. Så da har jeg ikke like dårlig samvittighet lenger! Nå skal jeg lage en liten overraskelse til Trine :D weho

Linn, over and out!