tirsdag 1. desember 2009

Michael McIntyre!

This man is one of the funniest mans around. For those who don't (for some strange reason) know who he is, he's a British stand up comedian. The best British stand up comedian to me! I thought I'd share some videos with you but I couldn't decide which so just click here and you can choose what to watch for yourself ;)  He also have 2 dvd's out. Live and Laughing and Hello Wembley if anyone is interested in buying those. So yeah let me know what you think about him! And be grateful that I brought this amazing hilarious man into your lifes! (:

3 kommentarer:

A. sa...

SV: fra min blogg^^

Ja, tar du deg en titt nå så har jeg postet det:D

motionocean sa...

aldri hørt om ham, jeg for min del :O

McDork sa...

Da må du se på videoer på youtube asap! ;D