søndag 5. oktober 2008

da er mcfly i brasiiil

"Finally they are here in my country... They arrived around 5am today, loads and loads and loads of fans were there waiting for them, unfortuntaly the security didn't allow most of them to take pics or talk to the guys, but those lucky who got to talk to them said they were truly lovely!!I've never been so excited in my entire life!!! I still can't believe this is really happening...I'll post some pics of the fans in the airport as soon as I can start breathing again!!!!!!!ohh, btw, OLIVIA IS HERE."

"Can horses travel on a plane to Brazil? "

guuri så bra sagt! hihi jeg visste ikke at engelske folk også synter oliviho ser ut som en hest XD en stygg hest. en stygg gammal gamp. jeppjepp

jeg kanke få sagt hvor mye jg hater hu der. nå skal jeg sove. og forhåpentligvis IKKE drømme om hu, det har jeg gjort før og det endte med senestrekk i leggen! not good

good night

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